Eric Beaty

Hey folks, here is another blog based on a video I previously posted on how to use a quick and easy time-management tool called The Pomodoro Technique to create more “margin” and productivity in your business, personal, . . . and guitar life. The word “Pomodoro” means “tomato” in Italian. Francesco […]

The Pomodoro Technique: Time Management Made Easy

Recently, I held a live Google Hangout to announce the BIG REVEAL of my upcoming Bluegrass Guitar Course.  I know I’ve had many requests from people to be informed of updates regarding the release of the course.  That’s why I’ve decided to release the name, logo, and website of the course.  From […]

New Bluegrass Guitar Course BIG REVEAL

Have you ever tried to set goals only to find yourself falling flat on your face?  Have you already broken your New Year’s resolutions…and it’s only January?  Then get ready to get fired up to achieve all your goals — yes, I said all your goals — with the help of the […]

Being a “Guitarpreneur” in 2014

If you are playing an electric guitar, at some point you have probably asked yourself whether you should go for a single product that provides you with multiple guitar effects, or if you would prefer to have many products, each providing one single effect (e.g. chorus, distortion, etc.). It’s a […]

Multi-Effects vs. Stompboxes

In this Google+ Hangout I present to you my newest guitar – an Ibanez RG4EX1 Quilted Maple in Bright Translucent Blue!  I’ll make a thorough initial review of its features and qualities, from look and feel, to technical specs, to sound. I didn’t buy this guitar from a store, but […]

“New Guitar” Hangout Skitch by Evernote I just wanted to give you an update regarding the release of my new ebook Simple Tips To Improve Your Guitar Playing NOW!!!  I’ve been experimenting with a great little project management tool that’s absolutely free called Trello.  As you can see in the image above (click it […]

Using Trello for Project Management

Unlimited Customization For Your Axe! Welcome everyone to another exciting article from your’s truly!  Speaking of exciting, I’m very excited to announce the release of the video above: my very own newly Axewrapped guitar.  If you’ve never heard of Axewraps before, you’re in for a treat. is a place […]

My Axewrap Project

I’ve been teaching guitar online for quite some time now.  My YouTube Channel has been the main area where I’ve been able to share my love for teaching guitar with those who: Never picked up the guitar and don’t know how to play guitar at all Have been playing guitar […]

Everything You Need To Create AWESOME Guitar Videos